Yacht Crew Placement
A Service for Yacht Owners
You want to make sure there is a good chemistry between yourself, your family and the people who are operating the boat. A yacht owner needs to trust the decisions of the captain and the crew on a consistent basis, regardless of the circumstances.
Alex Rogers either knows, or will seek out, the captain and the crew that best matches the temperament and the plans for the yacht. Many yacht owners retain their captains as they progress through a life of boating. That is fantastic! And many others discover that their captain of so many years who has been working on the sportfishing boat is perhaps not quite suited to life aboard a larger yacht and responsible for managing others.
Yacht Owners – Contact Alex About Captain & Crew Placement. Alex will work to help you find the captain that may best fit your needs and boating plans. Complete discretion and confidentiality is assured. Mobile: +1 954-401-9988

With Alex involved in crew placement, you can reduce your anxiety of the process and the outcome. All matters will be addressed in a professional manner and in keeping with standards and practices of the day.
Alex will also help you work to determine the current operational standing of the yacht at the time of transition, so that neither yourself or the yacht are placed in a compromised state of seakeeping.