New Boat Sales
New Construction – New Yachts
A new boat buyer needs somebody who works on their behalf and manages the process, regardless if it appears the boat is “out-of-the-box” new or is a complete made-to-order, custom new yacht construction. Boat building has a multitude of cross-roads that need responsive attention and where decisions are to reflect a buyer’s objectives and desires.
The buyer’s agent is not only a liaison to the project, but an overseer of progress who works to ensure that the details are addressed.
Minimize Surprises and Manage Expectations
New Boat Buyers – Contact Alex About New Boats and New Boat Construction. Avoid surprises. Alex will help walk you through the process and help you avoid potential pitfalls . Mobile: 954-401-9988.

Alex specializes in production and semi-production motor yachts up to 200 feet (60m) and production and custom sportfishing boats. Of course Alex is an expert in the full range of Westport motor yachts – both in brokerage and in new construction.
Get Alex on your side to ease the drama and concerns that may occur in building from new and in the fitting out stages.